Istanbul - CVK Park Bosphorus Hotel
Euro CTO Club 2024
16th Experts Live CTO: A 3-Day Journey Through Innovation
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 8:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 1 – From Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital
Session I: “Angiographic and Imaging analysis in CTO PCI” (A. Avran, M. Kursat Tigen)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 9:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 2 – From Erasmus MC Rotterdam
Session I: “Angiographic and Imaging analysis in CTO PCI” (R. Diletti, P. Agostoni)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 10:00
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Optimizing results: Intravascular imaging in CTO PCI
Session I “Angiographic and Imaging analysis in CTO PCI” (S. Arain)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 11:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 3 – From Medical Park Florya Hospital
Session II: “Technical developments in CTO PCI” (H. Uçar, D. Weilenmann)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 12:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 4 – From Istanbul Medeniyet University
Session II: “Technical developments in CTO PCI” (Ş. Görgülü, S. Kul)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 12:10
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Armentarium of CTO materials
Session II “Technical developments in CTO PCI” (M. Kovacic)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 12:20
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: New wire technologies and 3D wiring
Session II “Technical developments in CTO PCI” (M. Habara)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 13:45
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 5 – From Erasmus MC Rotterdam
Session III “Algorithms in CTO PCI” (A. Nap, G. Leibundgut)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 14:15
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 6 – From Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital
Session III “Algorithms in CTO PCI” (N. Kalay, H. Noor)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 14:40
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Flash Highlights: Global CTO algorithm – PART I (antegrade)
Session III “Algorithms in CTO PCI” (I. Doğu Kılıç)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 14:50
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Global CTO algorithm – PART I (retrograde)
Session III “Algorithms in CTO PCI” (M. Behnes)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 16.30
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 7 – From Medical Park Florya Hospital
Session IV “Complex CTO lesions” (K. Nasu, G. Gasparini)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 17:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 8 – From Istanbul Medeniyet University
Session IV “Complex CTO lesions” (K. Alaswad, M. Kovacic)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 17:40
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Post-CABG CTOs – anatomical challenges
Session IV “Complex CTO lesions” (B. Iqbal)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Thursday 17:50
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Overview of CTO Publications
Session IV “Complex CTO lesions” (Ö. Göktekin)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 8:00
16th Experts Live CTO: Introduction and ERCTO Registry
Opening Session Euro CTO (K. Mashayekhi)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 8:20
16th Experts Live CTO: Consensus for Managing Patients with CTOs – EAPCI/EACVI/ WG of Cardiovascular Surgery
Opening Session Euro CTO (A. Galassi)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 09:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 9 – from Florya Medical Park
Session V “CTO and Bifurcations” (G. Werner, K. Kilickesmez)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 10:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 10 – From Sapporo Heart Center (TD – ADR)
Session V “CTO and Bifurcations” (T. Fujita, D. Kanno, Y. Tadano, Shoichi Kuramitsu)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 10:30
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: CTO and bifurcation – An Expert Consensus
Session V “CTO and Bifurcations” (N. Boudou)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 11:30
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 11 – From Bahçeşehir University Medical Park Göztepe
Session VI “CTO and CHIP” (A. Larionov, R. Dautov)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 12:10
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 12 – From Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital
Session VI “CTO and CHIP” (Ö. Göktekin, M. Opolski)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 12:40
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Outcomes of CTO PCI in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
Session VI “CTO and CHIP” (A. Masoumi)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 13:10
16th Experts Live CTO: Live Case CT Analysis
Session VI “CTO and CHIP” (Y. Abdelwahed)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 13:10
16th Experts Live CTO: Live Case CT Analysis
Session VI “CTO and CHIP” (Y. Abdelwahed)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 13:20
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Protected PCI in patient with CTO – An Expert Consensus
Session VI “CTO and CHIP” (S. Pyxaras)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 14:30
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 13 – From Medical Park Florya Hospital
Session VII “CTO in different clinical settings (M. McEntegart, M. Zaczkiewicz)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 15:15
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 14 – From Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital
Session VII “CTO in different clinical settings (K. Mashayekhi, M. Değertekin)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 16:00
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Gender differences in CTO PCI
Session VII “CTO in different clinical settings (C. Gobbi)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 16:15
16th Experts Live CTO: Difference in CTO strategies all over the world
Session VII “CTO in different clinical settings (S. Matsuno)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 17:00
16th Experts Live CTO: Best of CTO Publications
Session VIII: “Best of CTO Publications” (C. di Mario, P. Agostoni)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 18:15
16th Experts Live CTO: General Assembly (for Euro CTO Club Members)
General Assembly (for Euro CTO Club Members)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 9:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 15 – From Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital
Session IX: “Update from the recent literature” (S. Rinfret, A. Masoumi)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 9:30
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 16 – From Bahçeşehir University Medical Park Göztepe
Session IX: “Update from the recent literature” (R. Garbo, A. Gagnor)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 10:00
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlight: 3 years outcome of Euro CTO
Session IX: “Update from the recent literature” (G. Werner)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 10:10
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlight: Cost effectiveness of CTO PCI
Session IX: “Update from the recent literature” (J. Guiterrez Chico)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 10:30
16th Experts Live CTO: Enhancing CTO outcomes with Drug-Coated Balloons” | supported by B. Braun
Parallel Session DCB in CTO (F. Cuculi)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 10:50
16th Experts Live CTO: DCB Usage in the Euro CTO Club
Parallel Session DCB in CTO (C. di Mario)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:00
16th Experts Live CTO: The Ultimative Trial of CTO Revascularisation
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials” (M. Behnes)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:10
16th Experts Live CTO:Orbita CTO Trial
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials” (J. Davies)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:20
16th Experts Live CTO: Ischemia CTO Trial
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials” (E. N. Holck)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:30
16th Experts Live CTO: NOBLE CTO – Trial
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials” (M. Kirk Christensen)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:40
16th Experts Live CTO: DCB vs. DES in CTO
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials” (A. Nap)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:50
16th Experts Live CTO: CHIP IVUS
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials” (R. Diletti)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 12:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 17 – From Medical Park Florya Hospital
Session XI “CTO and Complications” (M. Ayoub, E. Høj Christiansen)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 12:30
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 18 – From Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital
Session XI “CTO and Complications” (M. Yamane, S. Matsuno)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 13:00
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Complications with different approaches in CTO
Session XI “CTO and Complications” (A. Valadà)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 13:10
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Highlights: Coils embolization
Session XI “CTO and Complications” (M. Egred)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 13:40
16th Experts Live CTO: Prospective Evaluation of Treatment Strategies in Patients Presenting with Chronic Total Occlusion: the PETS-CTO Registry
Parallel Session Abstract Session (The best 5 abstracts) (E. Poletti)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 13:50
16th Experts Live CTO: The relationship between serum groth differentiation factor 15 levels and coronary collateral circulation in stable coronary artery patients with CHR
Parallel Session Abstract Session (The best 5 abstracts) (A. M. Toprak Su)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 14:00
16th Experts Live CTO: The Prognostic Benefit of CTO-PCI and the Complexity of Coronary Artery Disease
Parallel Session Abstract Session (The best 5 abstracts) (N. Cocco)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 14:10
16th Experts Live CTO: Coronary calcium patterns detected with Computed Tomography and their impact on procedural outcomes in CTO-PCI: insights from two high-volume centers
Parallel Session Abstract Session (The best 5 abstracts) (G. Panuccio)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 14:20
16th Experts Live CTO: How did the HydroDynamic Contrast Recanalization technique changed my antegrade approach
Parallel Session Abstract Session (The best 5 abstracts) (M. T. Nichita Brendea)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 19 – From Bahçeşehir University Medical Park Göztepe
Session XII “Post CABG” (N. Boudou, N. Aygül)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 16:00
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 20 – From Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital
Session XII “Post CABG” (E. Brilakis, P. Knaapen)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 16:30
16th Experts Live CTO: Post-Bypass CTO – angiographic analysis
Session XII “Post CABG” (P. Agostoni)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 16:40
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Debate: To coil or not coil the graft in post-CABG (PRO)
Session XII “Post CABG” (M. Ayoub)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 16:50
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Debate: To coil or not coil the graft in post-CABG (Contra)
Session XII “Post CABG” (A. Ladwiniec)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 17:00
16th Experts Live CTO: Closing remarks
(K. Mashayekhi, Ö. Göktekin)