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September, 19th - 21th, 2024 in İstanbul, Türkiye
16th Experts "Live" CTO
The annual EuroCTO meeting
General Information
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Saturday 10:10
Y. Abdelwahed - Flash Highlights: CT and angiographic analysis for CTO PCI
Flash Highlights: CT and angiographic analysis for CTO PCI
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Saturday 10.20
S. Arain - Flash Highlights: Optimizing results: Intravascular imaging in CTO PCI
Flash Highlights: Optimizing results: Intravascular imaging in CTO PCI
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Saturday 12.10
M. Habara - Flash Highlights: New wire technologies and 3D wiring
Flash Highlights: New wire technologies and 3D wiring
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Saturday 12:20
M. Kovacic - Flash Highlights: Armentarium of CTO materials
Flash Highlights: Armentarium of CTO materials
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Room Beyoğlu - 19th Thursday -12:45
G. Gasparini - Interactive Case based learning using IVUS123
WORKSHOP by Boston Scientific – Image interpretation workshop: “Interactive Case based learning using IVUS123”
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Saturday 15:40
I. Doğu Kılıç - Flash Highlights: Global CTO algorithm – PART I (antegrade)
Flash Highlights: Global CTO algorithm – PART I (antegrade) I. Doğu Kılıç
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Saturday 15:50
M. Behnes - Flash Highlights: Global CTO algorithm – PART I (retrograde)
Flash Highlights: Global CTO algorithm – PART I (retrograde)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Saturday 18:10
B. Iqbal - Flash Highlights: Post-CABG CTOs – anatomical challenges
Flash Highlights: Post-CABG CTOs – anatomical challenges
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 19th Saturday 18:20
Ö. Göktekin - Flash Highlights: Overview of CTO Publications
Flash Highlights: Overview of CTO Publications
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 8:30
K. Mashayekhi - Introduction and ERCTO Registry
Introduction and ERCTO Registry - K. Mashayekhi
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 8:45
A. Galassi - Consensus for Managing Patients with CTOs – EAPCI/EACVI/ WG of Cardiovascular Surgery
Consensus for Managing Patients with CTOs – EAPCI/EACVI/ WG of Cardiovascular Surgery - A. Galassi
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 10:20
N. Boudou - Flash Highlights: CTO and bifurcation – An Expert Consensus
Flash Highlights: CTO and bifurcation – An Expert Consensus - N. Boudou
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 10:30
A. Moroni - Flash Highlights: Impact of Bifurcation in CTO PCI
Flash Highlights: CTO and bifurcation – An Expert Consensus - A. Moroni
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 12:40
A. Masoumi - Flash Highlights: Outcomes of CTO PCI in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
Flash Highlights: Outcomes of CTO PCI in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction - A. Masoumi
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 13:10
A. Pekacar - Live Case CT Analysis
Live Case CT Analysis - A. Pekacar
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Room Beyoğlu - 20th Friday 13:15
P. Agostoni - Calcium hands on: “Rotablation simulation set up and tips & tricks for complex cases. Wolverine cracking model to demonstrate MOA”
WORKSHOP by Boston Scientific - Calcium hands on: “Rotablation simulation set up and tips & tricks for complex cases. Wolverine cracking model to demonstrate MOA”
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 13:20
S. Pyxaras - Flash Highlights: Protected PCI in patient with CTO – An Expert Consensus
Flash Highlights: Protected PCI in patient with CTO – An Expert Consensus - S. Pyxaras
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 20th Friday 13.30
Enhance your CTO-PCI toolbox: Meet Finecross M3
Lunch Symposium by Terumo “Enhance your CTO-PCI toolbox: Meet Finecross M3”
(A. Gagnor, Ö. Göktekin, G. Leibundgut, K. Mashayekhi)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 16:00
C. Gobbi - Flash Highlights: Gender differences in CTO PCI
Session VII “CTO in different clinical settings"
(C. Gobbi)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 16:15
S. Matsuno - Difference in CTO strategies all over the world
Session VII “CTO in different clinical settings"
(S. Matsuno)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 17:00
M. Opolski - Top article JACC interventions Changes in Operator’s Heart Rate and Blood Pressure During Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Session VIII: Top article JACC interventions Changes in Operator’s Heart Rate and Blood Pressure During Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - M. Opolski
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 17:12
I. J. Amat-Santos - Top article Circ Interventions Laser Coronary Atherectomy and Polymeric Coronary Wires in Uncrossable Lesions: A Word of Caution
Top article Circ Interventions Laser Coronary Atherectomy and Polymeric Coronary Wires in Uncrossable Lesions: A Word of Caution
(I. J. Amat-Santos)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 17:24
P. Knaapen - Top article EuroInterventions Same-day discharge after large-bore access in percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total coronary occlusions
Top article EuroInterventions Same-day discharge after large-bore access in percutaneous coronary intervention of chronic total coronary occlusions
(P. Knaapen)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday - 17:36
M. McEntegart - Top article CCI Effectiveness, safety, and patient reported outcomes of a planned investment procedure in higher-risk chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention
Top article CCI Effectiveness, safety, and patient reported outcomes of a planned investment procedure in higher-risk chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention: Rationale and design of the invest-CTO study (M. McEntegart)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 18:15
K. Mashayekhi - General Assembly (for Euro CTO Club Members)
General Assembly (for Euro CTO Club Members)
K. Mashayekhi
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 18:25
C. di Mario - Financial report: Board Member & Acting Treasurer Euro CTO Club
Financial report: Board Member & Acting Treasurer Euro CTO Club (C. di Mario)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 18:35
P. Agostoni - Scientific initiatives of the Euro CTO Club
Scientific initiatives of the Euro CTO Club (P. Agostoni)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 18:45
M. Behnes - Ethic Approval of the Euro CTO Club Database
Ethic Approval of the Euro CTO Club Database(M. Behnes)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 20th Friday 18:55
R. Diletti - Announcement of the venue for the 2025 Annual Congress
Announcement of the venue for the 2025 Annual Congress (R. Diletti)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 10:00
G. Werner - Flash Highlight: 3 years outcome of Euro CTO
Flash Highlight: 3 years outcome of Euro CTO - G. Werner
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 10:10
J. Guiterrez Chico - Flash Highlight: Cost effectiveness of CTO PCI
Flash Highlight: Cost effectiveness of CTO PCI - J. Guiterrez Chico
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 10:30
F. Cuculi - Enhancing CTO outcomes with Drug-Coated Balloons” | supported by B. Braun
Enhancing CTO outcomes with Drug-Coated Balloons” - F. Cuculi
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Room Beyoğlu - 21th Saturday 10:30
M. Opolski - “ADR: Stingray Preparation”
WORKSHOP by Boston Scientific “ADR: Stingray Preparation” Led by M. Opolski, Poland
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 10:50
C. di Mario - DCB Usage in the Euro CTO Club
DCB Usage in the Euro CTO Club - C. di Mario
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:00
M. Behnes - The Ultimative Trial of CTO Revascularisation
The Ultimative Trial of CTO Revascularisation - M. Behnes
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:10
J. Davies - Orbita CTO Trial
Orbita CTO Trial - J. Davies
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:20
E. N. Holck - Ischemia CTO Trial
Ischemia CTO Trial (E. N. Holck)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:30
M. Kirk Christensen - NOBLE CTO: Trial
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials”: NOBLE CTO – Trial (M. Kirk Christensen)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:40
A. Nap - DCB vs. DES in CTO
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials” DCB vs. DES in CTO (A. Nap)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 11:50
R. Diletti - CHIP IVUS
Session X: “Ongoing CTO Trials” CHIP IVUS (R. Diletti)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 13:00
A. Valadà - Flash Highlights: Complications with different approaches in CTO
Flash Highlights: Complications with different approaches in CTO (A. Valadà)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 13:10
M. Egred - Flash Highlights: Coils embolization
Flash Highlights: Coils embolization (M. Egred)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 13:40
E. Poletti - Prospective Evaluation of Treatment Strategies in Patients Presenting with Chronic Total Occlusion: the PETS-CTO Registry
Prospective Evaluation of Treatment Strategies in Patients Presenting with Chronic Total Occlusion: the PETS-CTO Registry (E. Poletti)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Room Beyoğlu - 21th Saturday 13:45
A. Ladwiniec - “Hybrid DES and DCB Treatment Strategy: Case based learning on combination therapy of Synergy DES and Agent DCB approach to complex lesions”
WORKSHOP by Boston Scientific “Hybrid DES and DCB Treatment Strategy: Case based learning on combination therapy of Synergy DES and Agent DCB approach to complex lesions”
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 13:50
A. M. Toprak Su - The relationship between serum groth differentiation factor 15 levels and coronary collateral circulation in stable coronary artery patients with CHR
The relationship between serum groth differentiation factor 15 levels and coronary collateral circulation in stable coronary artery patients with CHR (A. M. Toprak Su)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 14:00
N. Cocco - The Prognostic Benefit of CTO-PCI and the Complexity of Coronary Artery Disease
The Prognostic Benefit of CTO-PCI and the Complexity of Coronary Artery Disease (N. Cocco)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 14:10
G. Panuccio - Coronary calcium patterns detected with Computed Tomography and their impact on procedural outcomes in CTO-PCI: insights from two high-volume centers
Coronary calcium patterns detected with Computed Tomography and their impact on procedural outcomes in CTO-PCI: insights from two high-volume centers (G. Panuccio)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Main Hall - 21th Saturday 14:20
M. T. Nichita Brendea - How did the HydroDynamic Contrast Recanalization technique changed my antegrade approach
How did the HydroDynamic Contrast Recanalization technique changed my antegrade approach - M. T. Nichita Brendea
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 16:30
P. Agostoni - Post-Bypass CTO – Aangiographic analysis
Post-Bypass CTO –Angiographic analysis (P. Agostoni)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 16:40
M. Ayoub - Flash Debate: To coil or not coil the graft in post-CABG (Pro)
Flash Debate: To coil or not coil the graft in post-CABG (PRO) (M. Ayoub)
16th Experts "Live" CTO: Istanbul Ballroom - 21th Saturday 16:50
A. Ladwiniec - Flash Debate: To coil or not coil the graft in post-CABG (Contra)
Flash Debate: To coil or not coil the graft in post-CABG (Contra) A. Ladwiniec
16th Experts Live CTO: Flash Debate: To coil or not coil the graft in post-CABG (PRO)
Session XII “Post CABG”
(M. Ayoub)
16th Experts Live CTO: Post-Bypass CTO – angiographic analysis
Session XII “Post CABG”
(P. Agostoni)
16th Experts Live CTO: LIVE CASE 17 – From Medical Park Florya Hospital
Session XI “CTO and Complications”
(M. Ayoub, E. Høj Christiansen)
ERCTO Registry
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