Logo Euro CTO Club
  • September, 8th - 9th, 2023 in Florence, Italy

    15th Experts "Live" CTO

    The annual EuroCTO meeting


15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 08:00 - Carlo Di Mario
Carlo Di Mario: Opening Session

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 08:05
Emanuele Barbato: CTO in the Revascularization Guidelines

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 08:29
Emmanouil Brilakis: The Year in CTO research & practice

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 9:00 - 10:30
Masahisa Yamane: New wires in CTO recanalization
PARALLEL SESSION: Live Cases from San Camillo Hospital and Catholic University, Rome + Flash Highlights

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 11:00
Kambis Mashayekhi: Trends and spin-offs from the EuroCTO Registry
PARALLEL SESSION: Cto & Chip Regitries & Trials

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 11:07
Emmanouil Brilakis: Update on the PROGRESS Registry
PARALLEL SESSION: Cto & Chip Regitries & Trials

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 11:14
Masahisa Yamane: The Complex CTO Japanese Registry
PARALLEL SESSION: Cto & Chip Regitries & Trials

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 11:21
John Davies: Update on the ORBITA - CTO trial
PARALLEL SESSION: Cto & Chip Regitries & Trials

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 11:28
Paul Knaapen: The PROCTOR randomized trial
PARALLEL SESSION: Cto & Chip Regitries & Trials

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 11:35
Giuseppe Tarantini: Protect IV and PROTECT-Europe trial
PARALLEL SESSION: Cto & Chip Regitries & Trials

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 15:00
Javier Escaned: 3 Low contrast complex and CTO PCI
PARALLEL SESSION: Live Cases from San Camillo Hospital and Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome + Flash Highlights

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 16:33
Mario Iannaccone: 2 EuroCTO Consensus on Guide Catheter Extensions JACC Cardiovasc Interventions
PLENARY SESSION: Interventional CTO & Chip Research - Best CTO Publications 2022-23 (selected by the Editors of the Cardiology Interventional journals)

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 16:53
Emmanouil S. Brilakis: CTO PCI Outcome associated with poor quality of the distal target vessel
PLENARY SESSION: Interventional CTO & Chip Research - Best CTO Publications 2022-23 (selected by the Editors of the Cardiology Interventional journals)

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 17:03
Kambis Mashayekhi: EuroCTO Consensus on treatment of Calcified CTO lesion EuroIntervention
PLENARY SESSION: Interventional CTO & Chip Research - Best CTO Publications 2022-23 (selected by the Editors of the Cardiology Interventional journals)

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 8:30
Gregor Leibundgut: Update on microcatheter options and selection
PLENARY SESSION - Live Cases from Florence and Rome + Flash Highlights

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 8:30
Francesco Burzotta: Tips & tricks on radial CTO-PCI
PLENARY SESSION - Live Cases from Florence and Rome + Flash Highlights

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 10:07
Mohamed Ayoub: Aorto-ostial CTO
PARALLEL SESSION - Challenges And Opportunities In Cto Recanalization

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 10:14
Claudia Cosgrove: Calcium and CTO
PARALLEL SESSION - Challenges And Opportunities In Cto Recanalization

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 10:21
Sunsuke Matsuno: Intracoronary imaging guidance in CTO practice
PARALLEL SESSION - Challenges And Opportunities In Cto Recanalization

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 10:28
Leszek Bryniarski: Mechanical protection in CTO PCI: the Krakow experience
PARALLEL SESSION - Challenges And Opportunities In Cto Recanalization

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 10:35
Gregor Leibundgut: Role of DEB in CTO-PCI
PARALLEL SESSION - Challenges And Opportunities In Cto Recanalization

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 10:42
Jonathan Hill: Role of mechanica support in CTO recanalization
PARALLEL SESSION - Challenges And Opportunities In Cto Recanalization

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 11:30
Shunsuke Matsuno: Progress in dedicated novel CTO material
PLENARY SESSION - Live Cases from Rome and Florence + Flash Highlight

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 16:00
Francesco Burzotta: Wrap up Gemelli Cases
PLENARY SESSION - Wrap up of live cases, awards to the winners of the best abstracts and case competitions and take home messages

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Saturday 17:00
Carlo Di Mario: Conclusions
PLENARY SESSION - Wrap up of live cases, awards to the winners of the best abstracts and case competitions and take home messages

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All rights reserved.

A resource for all Interventional Cardiologists to share experiences, discuss new technologies & strategies for CTO recanalization and promote scientific research.

Contact EuroCTO Club Ecc E. V.
e-mail: secretariat@eurocto.eu

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