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Live Cases

  Live Cases   08/09/2023

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 15:00

15th Experts Live CTO: Live Cases from Rome + Flash Highlights

PARALLEL SESSION: Live Cases from San Camillo Hospital and Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome + Flash Highlights

Live Cases from San Camillo Hospital, Rome
Operators: Roberto Garbo (Turin),
Ahmed ElGuindy (Aswan - ET),
Carmine Musto (Rome)

Live Cases from Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome
Operators: Kenya Nasu (Toyahashi - J),
Pierfrancesco Agostoni (Antwerps - B),
Giuseppe Sangiorgi (Rome)

Flash Highlight

Mechanical protection in CTO PCI: the Krakow experience
Leszek Bryniarski (Krakow - PL)


Live Cases from Rome + Flash Highlights
Auditorium Zubin Mehta - Friday 15:00 - 16:30

Andrea Gagnor (Turin)
Roberto Diletti (Rotterdam - NL), 
Bernward Lauer (Jena - D)
Alessio Gaetano La Manna (Catania), 
Eugenio Stabile (Potenza)
Paul Knaapen (Amsterdam - NL), 
Alessio Mattesini (Florence)


15th Experts Live CTO,
EUROCTO Club meeting in partnership with the GISE CTO meeting.
September 8th - 9th, 2023
Florence, Italy

If you want to know all the details of the event, click on the image below to download the final program, where you will be able to orient yourself on the day, time and place of a specific video recorded at 15th Experts Live CTO.

For watching more event media, click on one of these links:




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