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Live Cases

  Live Cases   09/09/2023

15th Experts "Live" CTO: Gallery Foyer Room - Saturday 14:30

15th Experts Live CTO: Best Clinical Competition 2

PARALLEL SESSION - Best Clinical Competition 2

A complex long and calcified RCA CTO successfully treated with awe and dual lumen microcatheter under IVUS guidance
Giulia Nardi, Niccolò Ciardetti, Maria Federica Crociani, Francesca Maria Di Muro, Lucrezia Biagiotti, Francesca Ristalli, Alessio Mattesini, Francesco Meucci, Carlo Di Mario (Florence)

A complication during the treatment of a complex chronic total occlusion, resolved with fibrinolysis
Moemen Mohammed1 , Sara Maisenti2 , Elena Maria Santina Jannello2 , Mostafa Badawy1 , Sergio Cozzi1 ( 1 Santorso, 2 Verona)

A rendez-vous between two CTOS
Sherif Rizk (Cairo - ET)

Complex retrograde CTO recanalization and creation of a double-barreled RCA
Felix Woitek (Dresden - D)

Complex retrograde CTO-PCI In a post-CABG patient
Fadhel Nabil Hamidani (Neuendettelsau - D)

CTO case: when the basket makes the difference
Chiara Cavallino1 , Mohamed Abdirashid1 , Ludovica Maltese1 , Marco Franzino2 , Arianna Giannitto Giorgio3 , Elodi Bacci1 , Francesco Rametta1 , Fabrizio Ugo1 ( 1 Vercelli, 2 Messina, 3 Rome)

CTO PCI of an unengageable right coronary artery
Luigi Ferrarotto, Riccardo Mangione, Carlo Giusti, Orazio Costanzo, Alessio G. La Manna (Catania)

Impenetrable proximal cap
Sherif Rizk (Cairo - ET)

PCI of a right coronary artery CTO in complex coronary anatomy in previous CABG and coronary stenting
Marco Ciardetti, Luca Schembri2 , Michele Coceani, Cataldo Palmieri (Pisa)

Right coronary artery chronic total occlusion in a young patient with polycythemia vera
Francesco Spione, Luigi Salemme, Michele Franzese, Giuseppe Di Gioia, Marco Ferrone, Sebastiano Verdoliva, Armando Pucciarelli, Grigore Popusoi, Angelo Cioppa, Tullio Tesorio (Mercogliano)

Unintentional extraction of a 7-year-old stent during retrograde chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention via ipsilateral collateral channel
Alice Moroni, Hicham El Jattari, Enrico Poletti, Carlo Zivelonghi, Paul Vermeersch, Pierfrancesco Agostoni (Antwerp - B)

Unusual usage of a snare in retrograd LAD CTO
Andras Katona (Örebro - S)

Wire based ADR
Grzegorz Sobieszek (Lublin - PL)

Sometimes everything goes smoothly
Ludovica Maltese1 , Arianna Giannitto Giorgio1,2, Marco Franzino1,3, Mohamed Abdirashid1 , Elodi Bacci1 , Chiara Cavallino1 , Francesco Rametta1 , Fabrizio Ugo1 ( 1 Vercelli, 2 Roma, 3 Messina)


Best Clinical Competition 2

Gallery Foyer room - Saturday 14:30 - 16:00

Luca Grancini (Milan),
Nitin Sood (Hamburg - D)


15th Experts Live CTO,
EUROCTO Club meeting in partnership with the GISE CTO meeting.
September 8th - 9th, 2023
Florence, Italy

If you want to know all the details of the event, click on the image below to download the final program, where you will be able to orient yourself on the day, time and place of a specific video recorded at 15th Experts Live CTO.

For watching more event media, click on one of these links:




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